1-800-574-UTAH (8824)


Utah's Economy is Stronger Because of Investors Like You

EDCUtah strengthens and diversifies Utah economy by supporting businesses that want to hire Utahns and invest in our communities. When you support EDCUtah, you join a network of more than 200 partners working to creating a prosperous and resilient economy for generations of aspiring Utahns.

Together We Put Money in Utah's Economic Wallet

Investment in EDCUtah supports a program of work dedicated to recruiting and retaining job opportunities and corporate investments that raise quality of life for Utahns.

$1 of investment in EDCUtah generates $1800 in Utah’s economy:

  • $1364 in new sales revenue​
  • $447 in new employee compensation

These figures are derived from an economic impact model using Fiscal Year 2023 investment and project announcement data.

Benefits & Pricing

Want to learn more about EDCUtah’s investment levels? Download the PDF for benefit and pricing information.